Who is this website for?
If Don Lalonde has piqued your interest at a conference or you've done a few cases, liked it and want to do more...then you’re in the right place.
What do we offer?

Our Mission
If you've tried Walant, I'm sure you have incorporated at least some Walant operations into your practice and there are lots more here to whet your appetite. If you haven't then this is the place to start.
Our aim is to add more literature and tutorials to the site - through aggregating content as well as through regular contributions from its users, like you.
Eventually we would like to be able to offer surgeons and therapists bursaries to travel around the world and experience Walant first hand. These bursaries would primarily be for healthcare professionals who would benefit the most from using Walant, either because they have limited access to existing users, poor anaesthetic provision or that Walant is cheaper and therefore more accessible for their patients.
There are still too many places that have no access to safe general or regional anaesthesia and Walant can fill that void.
And we’d love to get you involved! Your ideas, your knowledge and your content will turn this site into an outstanding resource for surgeons and therapists at the forefront of the Walant surgery field.
Is Walant really that good? Don't just take our word for it...

After you visited my hospital (Dr Lalonde), we have changed everything in hand surgery. WALANT wakes us up to the "New World" of hand surgery. Even though we still have financial problems with Korean government insurance, we will get through it to achieve the safest way of the hand surgery!
Sang-Hyun Woo - President, W Institute for Hand and Reconstructive Microsurgery, W Hospital, Daegu, Korea

WALANT is like taking you kids for a walk in winter rather than summer. You get a little wet, go a little slower but you get to chat and engage with them and the kids have a much better time.
Mike Hayton - Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Wrightington, UK and founding fellow of faculty of sports and exercise medicine (UK)

Walant has forever changed my hand surgery practice. It challenges me as a surgeon to perform better and as a person to take time with my patients. I understand the functional hand better, learn more from engaging with my patients and, above all, have so much fun while doing surgery!
Elisabet Hagert - Consultant Orthopaedic surgeon, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Who we are
Co-founders / Editors in Chief

Don Lalonde - Canada
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Ali Phillips - UK
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Thomas Apard - France
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Giovanna Petrella - Italy
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Amir Adham - Malaysia
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Anthony Parrino - USA
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Egemen Ayhan - Turkey
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Peter Rhee - USA
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Samuel Ribak - Brasil
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Are you a registered user yet?
Like what you're seeing? Then please spread the word...

This is a non-profit website with no budget.
It is a labour of love. We’re aiming to give you the best and most complete selection of Walant content and hopefully you will find it helpful to your practice.
So please register and let your fellow surgeons and therapists know if you like what you see.
We can only succeed with your help.

As you can see from the Mission above, we would like eventually for this site to be able to fund surgeons and therapists to visit places around the world. But this will require funds.
Whereas the site will always be free to its users, we’re interested in talking to people who can help achieve this long term goal, be it through partnerships or sponsorships or setting up a charitable fund etc. We’re open to any great idea.

If you have any ideas of how we can make this happen, please do get in touch.
Other ways to stay in touch
Register to receive our emails and access the whole site. We won’t clog your inbox but will sporadically share interesting news, events and site updates.
You can also follow us on Twitter @walantsurgery. Follow us for up to date info or search for the latest news under #walantsurgery or #wideawakehandsurgery